Dee’s Easy Home Made Pasta
Serves 4
My easy pasta comes together in about an hour. This is excellent with fresh minced garlic, olive oil and parsley topped with Pangrattato.
What you’ll need:
Food processor
Pasta attachment for Kitchen Aid mixer or hand crank pasta maker
2 cups all purpose flour
3 large eggs, beaten
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
NOTE: You can roll this pasta with a rolling pin after resting and hand cut your pasta if you don’t have the equipment named above.
- Add all ingredients to the bowl of a food processor fitted with the normal blade attachment.
- Pulse for about 10 to 15 seconds or until the mixture reaches the “crumbly” stage.
- Remove dough and pat it into a ball with your hands. Place on a lightly floured smooth surface and knead for about 2 minutes or until it is smooth and elastic. If the dough seems too ‘wet’, just add a little flour.
- Form the dough into a smooth ball with your hands and wrap tightly in plastic wrap.
- Let the dough rest at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour. Use immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day.
- When you are ready to make your macaroni, choose the flat or “roller” attachment of your pasta making equipment.
- Cut off a piece of dough from the ball about 1 inch wide. Put the dough into the roller on the lowest (widest) setting (1 or 2) to flatten the dough. Fold the dough into thirds and do it again.
- Raise the setting in gradual increments (4, 6, 8, etc.) and continue the process until the desired thickness is reached. Lay the finished sheet of pasta on a floured surface and cover with a towel as you complete the remainder of the pasta sheets.
- When ready to cut the macaroni, choose the size of the cutter attachment you want (usually spaghetti or fettuccine) and put one of the flattened sheets of pasta into the cutter. Guide the pasta from the top with one hand and the bottom with the other.
- Put the cut macaroni on a floured surface and toss the noodles around in the flour to prevent them from sticking together. Complete the remainder of pasta sheets until finished.
- Cook in a really large pot (like 8 quarts) of salted, boiling water for about 1-2 minutes. Keep the pasta moving until cooked. Scoop out your pasta and place in a bowl. DO NOT RINSE! Add sauce of your choosing.