If you have a garden, you likely have lots of great veggies in mid to late summer. Here is a rich, delicious way to use them that’s also healthy. The fresh herbs really make the flavors pop! Ratatouille is a French veggie stew – things always sound better in French!!
La Ratatouille de Dee
You can use any amount of veggies in any combination you like to make as much or as little as you like. This dish freezes well, so can be eaten any time you want it.
What you’ll need:
2 large globe eggplants, or several smaller varieties, peeled and cut into 1½ to 2 inch chunks
2 large onions, peeled and cut into 1 to 1 ½ inch chunks
6-8 cloves garlic, sliced
Olive oil (at least 1 cup)
2-3 sweet peppers (yellow, red or green), cut into 1 inch pieces
4 medium zucchini
2 medium yellow squash
1 pound fresh mushrooms, stemmed and halved (optional)
5 or 6 large fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large can tomatoes
Lots of fresh basil, thyme (lemon thyme preferred), pepper and oregano
¼ cup capers, rinsed
Salt to taste
- Sauté onions and garlic in olive oil until golden.
- Add eggplant and sauté a few minutes.
- Continue adding veggies and sauté after each addition before adding another veggie. Add olive oil as needed.
- Add rinsed capers.
- Add herbs, capers and pepper and simmer 45 minutes to an hour.
- Taste for salt and add if needed.
- Drizzle finished dish with more olive oil and drizzle each serving with olive oil and fresh sliced or torn basil leaves.
This is delicious either hot or cold!